Bio-Oxygen Air Treatment Solutions – The Process

The sun produces the same configuration of oxygen clusters as using Bio-Oxygen air treatment solutions. Oxygen Clusters that are formed by the Bio-Oxygen Process do not alter the overall concentration of the oxygen in the air. The oxygen will still only remain in the air at a concentration of up to 21%. The Bio-Oxygen Process merely re-arranges the oxygen molecules into Oxygen Clusters. it does not change the overall concentration of the oxygen in the air. Oxygen Clusters are formed when the oxygen molecules gain electrons.
The presence of oxygen in the form of Oxygen Clusters does not in any way create a condition that can be considered hazardous to human and animal health.

The Bio-Oxygen Process


Oxygen is unique because it is the only Gas in the Elemental Table that is “Paramagnetic”. Ordinary O2 Oxygen Molecules have 16 Electrons but because Oxygen is “Paramagnetic”, it has vacancies for 4 extra electrons in the outer electron shell. When Oxygen Molecules gain 1–4 extra electrons they become ‘magnetic” and agglomerate into Clusters. Without extra electrons, O2 Oxygen Molecules are not magnetic and do not agglomerate into clusters. As an analogy, an Electro Magnet is just a lump of steel and is not magnetic but it becomes magnetic when the power is turned on and Electrons flow through the electro magnet. When the power is turned off, the electro magnet reverts back to being a lump of steel again.  Oxygen  Molecules  behave  same  as  an  electro magnet.

The Bio-Oxygen Process is a process of adding extra Electrons to molecules of Oxygen.


Air Purification Treatment – How Bio-Oxygen Stacks Up

Electricity is composed of Electrons. The Electrons are pressurised inside the ‘Bio-Oxygen’ Electron Tubes  and are emitted in a radius of up to 2 meters around the electron tubes and produce an electron shower. As the air flows through the electron shower, the oxygen molecules absorb 1 – 4 extra electrons.

When oxygen molecules gain 1 – 4 extra electrons, they become magnetic and agglomerate into Clusters composed of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc oxygen molecules. Aggregates are also formed which consist of a mixture of Oxygen Clusters and ordinary O2 molecules. The Oxygen Clusters and Aggregates react with and effectively remove pollutants from the air such as Odours, Gases, Chemicals, Tobacco Smoke, Nicotine and Tar and kill Bacteria, Fungus,  Yeast, Mould, Mildew, Spores, Viruses, Protozoa and other Organisms.

Oxygen Molecules

As the oxygen molecules gain extra electrons, they lose energy and drop in temperature and therefore Oxygen Clusters are colder than the Nitrogen in the air. The difference in temperature between the Oxygen and Nitrogen in the air imparts a tinge of freshness into the air.
How magnetic and reactive an oxygen molecule becomes depends on the number of extra electrons that the oxygen molecule has captured. An oxygen molecule with 1 extra electron will be magnetically attracted to another with 2 extra electrons and one with 2 extra electrons will be magnetically attracted to one with 3 extra electrons and so on.

At the core of each Oxygen Cluster is an oxygen molecule with the highest number of electrons. Bio-Oxygen units are fitted with a Rotary Selection Switch which enables the intensity of the electron shower and the size of the Oxygen Clusters to be varied because different Chemicals, Gases, Odours and Micro-Organisms require different size Oxygen Clusters to be removed.

Refer to a table under “Chemical Reports” “Some common Air Pollutants oxidisable by the Bio-Oxygen Process” which shows the  required Oxygen Cluster size for chemicals.

The Bio-Oxygen Process is the most natural of processes because the same process occurs in nature.




The Bio-Oxygen Process is a range of air treatment solution to suit environments where air quality is paramount. is the most natural of processes because the same process occurs in nature. In nature, the sun emits clouds of electrons and showers the earth and the solar system with electrons. Choosing an air treatment solution that is close to nature ensures that those who live and work in the building are safe and healthy.

Air Treatment Solution Using Magnetic Electrons

The electrons from the sun can only be absorbed by the oxygen in the atmosphere because oxygen is the only gas that is ‘paramagnetic’ and is able to absorb the electrons from the sun. As the oxygen molecules gain extra electrons, they become magnetic and agglomerate into Oxygen Clusters consisting of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. oxygen molecules. Oxygen Clusters are reactive and clean the world’s atmosphere of all the pollution produced in the world.

Natural and Healthy Air Treatment Solution

Therefore, a Bio-Oxygen unit acts like a miniature Sun in the air conditioning ducts. The Bio- Oxygen Process requires no Perfumes, Disinfectants, Chemicals or Catalysts and none are used. Bio-Oxygen does not incorporate a Carbon Filter.  We require only clean ambient air.


The Positron in an Atom have a positive charge and the Electrons that spin around the Positron have a negative charge and therefore Electrons, by nature, are negatively charged. There is no such thing as Positive Electrons.

The Bio-Oxygen equipment runs on AC electricity and therefore ordinarily, during one half cycle, the discharge from the Electron Tubes would be Positive and during the other half cycle would be Negative. In other words, the 50% Positive Charge would be cancelled out by the 50% Negative Charge so that the overall discharge would be Zero.

University Static Electricity Test

However, a University Static Electricity Test revealed that the Bio-Oxygen Electrode Tubes discharge only Negative Electrons. This University test confirms the whole Bio-Oxygen Process because it shows that the Electron Tubes emit Electrons and that the Electrons are ‘Negative’.


In nature oxygen Clusters are reactive and clean the world’s atmosphere of all the pollution produced in the world. A Bio-Oxygen unit acts like a miniature Sun, cleaning and disinfecting right inside the air conditioning ducts.

The Bio- Oxygen Process requires no Perfumes, Disinfectants, Chemicals or Catalysts and none are used. Bio-Oxygen does not incorporate a Carbon Filter.  We require only clean ambient air.


  • Sewage
  • Urine
  • Feces
  • Vomit
  • Body Odour
  • Toilets
  • Garbage
  • Fertilisers
  • Cooking
  • Fermentation
  • Spoilage and Rotting etc.


  • Chemicals
  • VOC
  • Paints
  • Varnishes
  • Thinners
  • Adhesives
  • Glues
  • Plastics
  • Waxes
  • Carpets
  • Disinfectants
  • Deodorants and Perfumes etc.
  • Thousands of other chemicals, substances and material used and stored in buildings and factories.


Cockroaches and Rodents normally live in a foul and smelly environment and absolutely hate the super fresh smell of Oxygen Clusters and therefore after a short time they usually leave a Bio-Oxygen treated area and escape to another area.

Repels Pests

The Bio-Oxygen Process effectively repels Cockroaches and Rodents from Kitchens, Food Storage and Food Processing Areas.