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Bio-Oxygen Annual Maintenance Contracts

Model 8000 Bio Oxygen

Try one of our Annual Maintenance Contracts for your piece of mind. Have your electrodes exchanged annually under contract to ensure they are not forgotten or kept running after they should be retired.

Annual maintenance is put in place for the yearly electrode exchange which is an important part of keeping your machine running at optimal efficiency.

The yearly electrode exchange gives you the opportunity to exchange your electrodes to ensure you always have reliable electrodes to ensure the efficient running of your machines.

Performance Guarantee Worldwide

Electron Tube Exchange Contract

After the warranty period, the Bio-Oxygen equipment is serviced when the Customer enters into an Electron Tube Exchange Contract with Bio-Oxygen. The Electron Tube Exchange Contract provides for:

•    Yearly exchange of Electrode Tubes
•    Parts Replacement and Repairs during the year
•    Breakdown Service

Without an Electron Tube Exchange Contract, Bio-Oxygen may service the equipment at Bio-Oxygen’s sole discretion, without priority, at current service rates and provided that the customer has not tampered with the Bio-Oxygen equipment. The customer is responsible for the on-going replacement of the air filters specified by Bio-Oxygen.

contactSee our long list of valued and happy clients who already enjoy the benefits of a Bio-Oxygen filter for their air conditioning system.

Read our testimonials and see our clients who have sent us letters indicating how happy they are with our product and service.

For all your air purification and air sterilisation needs, Bio-Oxygen have you covered.